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Owning and operating a business is a time consuming endeavor.  Business is very dynamic.  There’s no “Off Switch”.   How does one avoid burning out your passion for the Business?  I don’t claim to have all the answers, but many of our most successful clients utilize Business Connections 24 hour Telephone Answering Service to greet callers, take messages and dispatch time-sensitive messages to on-call staff while the owner/manager “de-compresses” for a few hours, few days and sometimes a few weeks away from the business.

Business Connections is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Our goal is to portray the image that we are your private receptionist.  If there is an urgent situation, we can reach you or an on-call employee at your company.  This service can be performed for a fraction of the cost of hiring a full time employee.

If you still doubt you can take a few hours away from the business each week, remember the power of a Physical Solution.  Physically put one foot in front of the other (and I mean your physical foot), and you’ll find your physical body moving out the door.  Your brain may object vigorously, but it has to go, physically, where your body carries it.  Then, physically, don’t look back.  After an afternoon with a Loved one, on a nature hike, game of golf, bike ride, snow skiing, movie, hunting, shopping or whatever “floats your boat” this will make more sense.

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