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24/7 Live Telephone Answering Service

How You can Beat Your Competition with 24/7 Professional Call Handling Services?

Instead of picking up a phone and calling in to pick up your messages you can receive text messages (Words + Numbers) via your Smart Mobile Phone (i.e. Apple I-Phone, Blackberry, Android).  After our 24*7 live answering telephone secretary has completed taking the message from your caller, she enters another keystroke and sends your complete text message. Your mobile phone will beep or silently vibrate and the complete message will scroll across the screen. “ZAP” you have your detailed message. If urgent, you can act immediately. If not, respond at your convenience. Remember that old saying your Grandpa and favorite teacher always used “The Early Bird Catches the Worm”.
This same logic applies to today’s demanding consumer. While Large Corporations and Big Government Agencies are hiding behind voice mail jail and the internet, you can beat the competition by responding to new sales and service calls immediately. You can even be out of state at a meeting to receive your messages. In Down Hill Skiing or the 100 yard dash what’s the difference between winning a Gold Medal vs. Silver Medal? You only have to be a little faster to win the Gold Medal. Just as speed is critical in sports, it’s just as important for high quality service companies. Remember, it is mail jail verses award winning 24*7 Live Telephone Answering Service by professionally trained receptionists. If you’d like to try out text messaging to your mobile phone, pager or PDA just give us a call and let’s see if it makes a positive impact for you.

Did you know we can Hand-Off callers to your voicemail box?

If your callers prefer to leave their message in voicemail, instead of leaving it with the receptionist, we can transfer the caller directly to your voicemail box at a push of a button. After the receptionist answers your phone she’ll ask the caller “I can take a message for ____ or would you prefer to be transferred to voicemail”. There’s no additional charge for this service.

Cut Costs While Maintaining High Quality Service

Did you know we offer Voice Mail with Operator Assistance? There are many companies that offer voicemail, but Business Connections has a unique feature where your callers can talk with a friendly person with a touch of a button. Here’s how it works.

Callers are greeted by our digitally mastered voice mail and press zero if the call is urgent. Example Greeting: “Thank you for calling XYZ company. Your call is very important. If you need immediate assistance, please press zero and you’ll be transferred to our 24-hour live answering service. Otherwise leave your name, telephone number and detailed message and we’ll return your call during business hours.”

If the caller presses zero, they are immediately transferred to our telephone receptionist who greets the caller “Good morning, XYZ company”. She’ll then take the callers name, telephone number and detailed message and then contact the On-call person for XYZ company via pager, mobile phone or home phone.

Popular with Dental Offices, Employment Agencies and Property Management Offices.

Professional Office Help Available 24 Hours a Day

Cheerful, professionally trained telephone secretaries always available to work for your fast growing company.

  • No lunch hour
  • No vacation
  • No coffee breaks
  • No sick days
  • No health insurance


About 14 cents per hour. 24-hour Service from Business Connections. We are your telephone receptionist while you’re away from the office.

We will answer your phones for 7 days for FREE to prove the quality of our services.
No credit card, no deposit, no obligation!

“Call Control” – What is it and how does it help me? Call control is a skill our telephone secretaries use when taking your messages. In a very professional, businesslike manner our telephone secretaries are able to gain and maintain the callers attention. We find the use of positive power words is an exciting way to elicit a callers name, phone number and complete message. Examples of call control:

Correct— “Mr. Jones will be glad to talk with you. He’ll return to the office in the morning. At what number can he return your call?”

Wrong— “He’s out of the office”

Correct—”That department will open at 8am, would you prefer that I page someone, or would you like for someone to call you first thing in the morning?”

Wrong—”That department is closed for the day.”

Why are professional telephone receptionists best?

“I can answer questions or ask specific information and take further steps to reach someone in case of an emergency; and I can elicit a callers name and phone number from a person who might hang up on a machine.” – Sandra Davis

Business Forecast 2020 and Beyond

  • Business will continue to go where invited and remain where appreciated.

  • Reputations will continue to made by many acts and be lost by one.

  • People will go right on preferring to do business with friends

  • Go-Givers will become the best Go-Getters.

  • The Extra Mile will have no traffic jams.

  • Performance will continue to outsell promises.

  • Enthusiasm will be contagious as ever.

  • Know-How will surpass Guess-How.

  • Trust, not tricks, will keep customers loyal.

  • Quality will be prized as a precious possession.

Answers to Your Questions

Does Business Connections Offer 24/7 live Answering?

Yes. Business Connections offers 24×7 live Answering service. There are no sick days, and you can count on us to deliver services on holidays, weekends and after office hours at no additional cost.

Why would I hire your answering service when I have staff?

Our Answering Service provides live support within the 3rd or 4th ring, when you or a staff member, miss the call. Your staff could be busy with a client meeting, in the bathroom or attending to some out-of-office work. We are insurance that every call gets answered. Additionally, your receptionist or caller will work only for a certain number of hours in a day, and we have you covered for every second of the day. Business Connection will help you capture new businesses and clients at a fraction of the cost.

How does the 24/7 live answering service work?

When you are unable to attend a call, we will attend it on your behalf. Our team will note down the general information and let them know their query has been processed for quick revert. You will then receive an email from us within a few minutes, giving you the opportunity to provide a quick and timely follow-up.

Can I change my answering service plan?

Yes. Get in touch with us when you want to change the plan. You will analyze your usage in the initial months to make sure you are partnered with the right plan. For any questions with regards to the current plan or a new plan, Business Connections are here to help.

We Care About Our Customers

Excellent customer service is our goal for you and your clients – every single time we answer the phone. Don’t just take our word for it, see what our customers have to say.

Let’s Work Together!

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    By accepting our ‘Privacy Policy’ above, you agree that A Business Connections and its affiliates may communicate with you via email, text, or phone through the email and/or phone number provided on the form. A Business Connections may use automated technology (e.g., pre-recorded messages, auto dialers) to contact you. You are not required to provide your phone number to A Business Connections. Your information is collected and used in accordance with A Business Connections' Privacy Policy and Data Processing Agreement, and you may opt out of electronic communication at any time.

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