Your strategy for how these new clients are greeted is vital to the growth of your Business. Remember that old saying… “You never get a second chance to make a favorable first impression?” It’s a fact that most potential new clients will NOT leave a message on an answering machine, they’ll simply go on to call your competitors. It would be a shame for you to miss out on a new client when Business Connections 24 hour telephone answering service can greet your callers when you are too busy to answer the telephone or it’s after hours. If it’s 10 am and you’re on another call, Business Connections will take care of your callers. If it’s 10 pm and you’re relaxing with loved ones, Business Connections will take care of your callers. This can all be done for the fraction of the cost of hiring a full time receptionist. If the caller meets your criteria of a Potential New Client, we’ll direct connect the caller to your mobile phone. If it’s a routine call, we’ll e-mail the message to you and you can return the call at your convenience. To find out more call 1-866-601-6115 and ask for Dirk or Stuart Moeller.