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Dear Valued Answering Service and Voice Mail Client:

As part of our continuing effort to provide you with reliable, efficient and new technologies, we will be upgrading our voicemail equipment.

The upgrade will take place on Tuesday November 11th at 10 AM.  If you call in to listen to your messages please pay close attention. If you receive messages via email, you can ignore the remainder of this memo.

For those who call in to listen to messages, please make sure you retrieve all of your messages from the OLD machine a few minutes before 10 AM on November 11th.  After 10 AM messages on the OLD machine will not be accessible.  Also, remember all messages taken after 10 AM on Tuesday November 11th will be recorded on the new machine.

Seven Things to Know About the Voicemail Conversion

  1. Your voicemail telephone number or answering service check-in number will remain the same.
  2. Your voicemail account password will remain the same. If you notice that it is not the same, call 1-866-601-6115 and ask for Dirk or Stuart Moeller and we’ll fix it.
  3. The prompts in the new voicemail system have changed. A summary guide is included for your reference. Please Note: All options are announced to you during each call.
  4. Rather than calling in from a telephone, the voicemail system can automatically Email you with an attachment. Simply double click the attachment and over the speakers of your computer or smart mobile phone you will hear the recorded message from your caller. To receive your messages via Email, call 1-866-601-6115 and ask for Dirk or Stuart Moeller.
  5. Voicemail messages saved in the old voicemail system will not be transferred to the new voicemail platform. Please pick-up your messages from the OLD machine a few minutes before 10 AM on November 11th.
  6. There are now four folders to store your played messages. You can save them in the “old messages” folder, a “work messages” folder, a “family messages” folder and a “friends messages” folder.
  7. In the new system there are now three outgoing greetings that you can record from any phone. The first greeting is the default greeting called the “unavailable greeting.” In a basic configuration, this is the only greeting that callers will hear. For many clients this is all they will normally need. The “busy greeting” is not available at this time – reserved for future upgrades. With the new platform we now offer a “temporary greeting” which overrides all other greetings. This is controlled by the user and is recorded and placed in effect on a case-by case basis. Examples of using a temporary greeting include snow days, holidays, days or times your offices are closed during the business day, emergencies, severe weather, power outages affecting your office, phone system problems, etc… Please Note: The temporary greeting will replace your other greetings until you delete it. You must record a temporary greeting when you need it and delete it when you want the regular greetings to play to callers again.

We hope you’ll find our new voicemail platform simpler to use, faster, clearer and more reliable. Once you learn the prompts, you can press buttons at any time. You do not have to wait for each prompt before pressing the buttons. In the future we’ll be adding more features to make our system as useful as possible. Please contact Dirk or Stuart Moeller at 1-866-601-6115 with questions.

New Voicemail System Menu Summary

  1. Dial your Voice Mail telephone number. Press * and enter your password.
  2. Or if you use a Check-in number, dial it (see below), enter your mailbox number, wait for prompt, and then enter password.

Vancouver, Washington Check-in number – 360-759-0601

Portland, Oregon Check-in number – 503-499-1111

McMinnville, Oregon Check-in number – 503-434-3003

Salem, Oregon Check-in number – 503-370-4000

Eugene, Oregon Check-in number – 541-393-5111


Press 1 for New messages

First message received…. (plays new messages)

Press 2 to back-up or fast forward

Press # to Fast Forward

Press * to Rewind

Press 3 for advanced options

Press 1 to send a reply

Press 3 to hear the message envelope (time and date stamp)

Press * to return to the main menu

Press 5 to repeat current message

Press 6 to play next message

Press 7 to delete this message

Press 8 to forward message to another user

Press 9 to save this message. Which folder should I save message to?

Press 0 to save in new messages folder

Press 1 to save in old messages folder

Press 2 to save in work messages folder

Press 3 to save in family messages folder

Press 4 to save in friends messages folder

or # to cancel

Press * for help or return to the main menu

Press # to exit


Press 2 to Change Folders

Change to which folder?

Press 0 for new messages

Press 1 for new messages

Press 2 to change folders

Press 3 for advanced options

Press * for Help

Press # to exit

Press 1 for old messages

Press 1 for old messages (Then same as above)

Press 2 for work messages

Press 1 for work messages (Then same as above)

Press 3 for family messages

Press 1 for family messages (Then same as above)

Press 4 for friends messages

Press 1 for friends messages (Then same as above)


Press 3 for Advanced Options – Not available at this time – reserved for future upgrades

Press * to return to main menu


Press 0 for Mailbox Options

Press 1 to record your unavailable message (Default outgoing greeting)

Press 1 to accept the recording

Press 2 to listen to it

Press 3 to re-record it

Press * to cancel.

Press 2 to record your busy message (Second greeting)

Press 3 to record your name

Press 4 to manage your temporary greeting

Press 5 to change your password

Press * for help or return to the main menu

Press # to exit

Please contact Dirk or Stuart Moeller at 1-866-601-6115 with questions

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