by BusinessConnections | Feb 23, 2012 | Answering Services, Marketing
In business, you want your phone to be ringing off the hook. You also want someone there to answer the calls! It does little good to work so hard building your company only to have potential clients or customers shunted to voice mail or lost in automated systems. Many...
by BusinessConnections | Feb 8, 2012 | Answering Services, Marketing
1) Having a highly visible phone number on your website will help improve the profits of your company. Even though you may not receive a lot of calls from your website, having a Highly Visible Phone number will give your company more credibility. The bottom line is...
by BusinessConnections | Jan 6, 2012 | Marketing
Having a highly visible phone number on your Website will help improve the profits of your company. Even though you may not receive a lot of calls from your website, having a Highly Visible Phone number will give your company more credibility. The bottom line is you...
by BusinessConnections | Mar 5, 2010 | Customer Service, Marketing
Every person has a perceived level of acceptability for adequate customer service. Your job is to EXCEED that “level of acceptability”. Most often this “acceptability” is an equation of benefits versus cost. The higher their perceived benefit for the cost, the better...
by BusinessConnections | Feb 2, 2010 | Answering Services, Customer Service, Marketing
13 Ways to increase YOUR Cash In-Flow 1) Since most of your sales originate from a telephone call you should be committed (a little bit obsessive if need be!) to returning all telephone calls promptly. Returning phone calls within 30 minutes or less will IMPRESS...